Hurst's Response to Lone Pines Joinder & Suppl in Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr w Clearwater Bankruptcy Estates6/24/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Suppl to Lone Pine Res LPs Joinder in Recvr's Mtn to Approve Settlement Agreement With Clearwater Bankruptcy Estates and Rcvr's Opposition to Obj by Hurst6/3/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER approving Rcvr's Ninth Report5/31/2024DOPDFWNLOAD
Rcvr's Ninth Report5/30/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Lone Pine Joinder in Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr w Clearwater Bk Estates5/16/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Hearing - Nov 13 20245/10/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER of Permanent Injunction5/8/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Hurst's Mtn for Docket Accesss5/7/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Stip Mtn for Entry of Permanent Injunction5/7/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Hurst's Mtn for Docket Access5/3/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER re Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr Set for Hearing4/26/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Reply to Hurst's Objection to Rcvr's Stlmt Agr w Clearwater Bankruptcy Estates4/22/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Hurst Objection to Rcvr's Stlmt Agr w Clearwater Bankruptcy Estates04/16/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Mtn for Ext of Time to Object to Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr04/10/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Entry of Appearance on behalf of Hurst04/08/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Mtn for Ext of Time to Object to Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr04/08/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agreement with Clearwater Bankruptcy Estates3/29/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Seventeenth Status Report with Request for Ext of Stay03/07/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Seventeenth Status Report with Request for Ext of Stay03/04/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Payment of Retainer02/27/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Payment of Retainer02/27/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Notice of Employment of Smith Debnam Narron Drake Saintsing & Meyers2/16/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Notice of Employment - Exhibit A 2/16/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Motion to Approve Payment of Retainer02/16/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Mtn to Withdraw2/14/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Mtn To Withdraw as Attorneys for Def Gary Dragul2/14/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Mtn to Withdraw as Attorneys for Def G. Dragul and Notice1/30/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Eighth Application for Professional Fees and Expenses1/19/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER approving Rcvr's Eighth Report w attach01/18/2024DOWNLOAD PDF
Eighth Application for Professional Fees and Expenses w attach12/20/2023DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Eighth Report12/20/2023DOWNLOAD PDF
20231107 ORDER granting Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr w Gary Dragul, Susan Markusch, and Olson Real Estate Services LLC11/07/2023DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER granting Sixteenth Status Rpt w Request For Ext of Stay10/30/2023DOWNLOAD PDF
Sixteenth Status Report w Request For Ext of Stay10/27/2023DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER on Fifteenth Status Report With Request For Extension of Stay6/22/2023DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Fourteenth Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay2/14/2023DOWNLOAD PDF
Plaintiff's Fourteenth Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay2/13/2023DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Rcvr's Seventh Report10/25/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Seventh Application for Prof Fees and Expenses10/25/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER re Thirteenth Status Report with Request for Ext of Stay10/13/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Thirteenth Status Report with Request for Ext of Stay10/12/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER granting Mtn to Withdraw as Counsel for Markusch and Olson R.E10/05/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Withdrawal10/03/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Seventh Report09/30/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Seventh Application for Professional Fees and Expenses09/30/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Mtn to Withdraw as Counsel for Markusch and Olson R.E.09/06/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Entry of Appearance for Plaintiff8/22/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Dragul's Notice of Designation of Non-Parties at Fault08/04/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Re Mtn to Dismiss Kahn and The Conundrum Group07/28/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr with Kahn and Conundrum Group7/6/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Amended Proposed Case Management Order6/24/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Denying Dragul's Alt Mtn for Stay6/23/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr with Kahn and The Cunundrum Group6/22/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Denying Dragul's Motions re Reconsideration and Amended Complaint6/21/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's Response to Dragul's Alternative Mtn for Stay6/16/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER re Twelfth Status Report6/15/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Twelfth Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay6/14/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Dragul's Alternative Mtn for Stay6/8/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Amended Proposed Case Mgmt Order6/3/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Eleventh Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay3/8/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
Eleventh Status Report with Request for Ext of Stay3/7/2022DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Sixth Application for Professional Fees and Expenses12/03/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Receiver's Sixth Report12/03/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Sixth Application for Professional Fees and Expenses11/11/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Sixth Report11/11/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Tenth Status Report With Request for Extension of Stay11/08/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Tenth Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay11/5/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER re Mtn for Entry of Default Against Def Markusch et al9/7/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul Family 19cv33373 - ORDER Granting Stipulation For Dismissal of Shelly Dragul Without Prejudice8/26/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Entry of Appearance - B. Gragg for Receiver7/15/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Ninth Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay7/8/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr V Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Markusch's Answer and Affirmative Defenses7/8/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Plaintiff's Ninth Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay7/6/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Dragul Reply in Support of Mtn to Toll Complaint Response Deadline6/22/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Dragul Reply in Support of Renewed Mtn for Reconsideration of Denial of Mtn to Dismiss6/22/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr Mtn for Entry of Default Against Def Markusch and Olson Real Estate6/21/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Hershey's Answer and Jury Demand6/18/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's Response to Dragul's Mtn to Toll6/15/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's Response to Dragul's Renewed Mtn for Reconsideration6/15/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Ext of Time to Respond to Receiver's First Amended Complaint6/14/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Appeal 21CA483 - MANDATE Dismissing Appeal6/14/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Hershey Mtn for Extension of Time to Respond to Amended Complaint6/8/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Dragul Renewed Mtn for Reconsideration of Order Denying Mtn to Dismiss5/27/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Dragul Mtn to Toll Complaint Response Deadline5/27/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Appeal 21CA483 - ORDER Denying Petition for Interlocutory Appeal05/25/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Appeal 21CA483 - Appellants' Reply in Support of Pettition for Interlocutory Appeal5/17/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Denying Dragul's Mtn For Clarification Re Brownstein Complaint5/4/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Appeal 21CA483 - Rcvr's Response to Petition for Interlocutory Appeal5/4/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Hurst 21SA121 - ORDER Denying Petition for Rule to Show Cause4/21/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Denying Motion to Vacate February 26 2021 Order4/21/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Denying Partially Stipulated Emergency Motion To Stay The Court's February 26 2021 Order4/21/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Hurst 21SA121 - Certificate of Service04/13/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Hurst 21SA121 - Appendix in Original Proceeding04/13/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Hurst's Corrected Notice and Petition for Rule to Show Cause04/13/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Appeal 21CA483 - ORDER of the Court04/13/2021 Rcvr's Response to Hurst's Motions4/9/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Securities Commissioner's Response to Hurst's Motions to Stay and Vacate4/9/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
BHFS Joinder in Rcvr's Response to Stay Motion4/9/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Hurst's Mtn to Vacate Feb. 26 2021 Order4/5/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Dragul et al's Notice of Petition for Interlocutory Appeal4/1/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER re Fifth Application for Professional Fees and Expenses3/31/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Hurst Mtn for Stay Pending Appeal re 02 26 2021 Order3/20/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER re Def Dragul Mtn for Cert of Interlocutory Appeal of Unique Issue3/18/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Re_ Defs Dragul et al Mtn for Cert of Interlocutory Appeal3/18/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Denying Def Dragul Mtn for Reconsideration3/18/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Fifth Application for Fees & Expenses3/9/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Fifth Report with Exhibits3/9/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting SEC's Eighth Status Report With Request for Extension of Stay3/9/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
20210308 SEC's Eighth Status Report w/ Request for Ext of STay3/8/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Entry of Appearance on behalf of Chad Hurst2/26/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agreement with Brownstein and Denying Dragul's Mtn to Order Claims Abandoned2/26/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Dragul's Mtn to Split Time at Hearing on Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Settlement with Brownstein2/18/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Brownstein's Exhibit List for 02 19 2021 Hearing2/18/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Mtn to Continue 02 19 2021 Hearing2/18/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Mtn to Continue Brownstein Hearing2/18/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul Notice of Investor Comment re Brownstein Hearing2/18/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Witness and Exhibit List for 02 19 2021 Hearing2/17/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Mtn to Split Time at Brownstein Hearing2/17/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Witness and Exhibit List for 02 19 2021 Hearing2/16/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Remote Hearing2/12/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Denying Dragul's Mtn for Ltd Discovery Regarding Brownstein Settlement2/5/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Dragul Mtn to File Reply Brief to Brownstein's and Rcvr's Responses to Mtn for Ltd Discovery2/2/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Mtn to file Omnibus Reply Brief re Mtn for Ltd Discovery2/1/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Reply In Support of Mtn for Ltd Discovery2/1/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Mtn of M. Van for pro hac vice Adm2/1/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
M.C.Van's Amended Mtn for Admission pro hac vice1/29/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
BHFS' Opp. to Dragul's Mtn for Discovery1/28/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Response to Dragul's Mtn for Ltd Discovery1/28/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Dragul's Mtn for Ltd Discovery re Brownstein Stlmt1/25/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Mtn of S. Ledingham for pro hac vice Adm1/25/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Mtn of J. Rouche for pro hac vice Adm1/25/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Mtn of B. Williams for pro hac vice Adm1/25/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Reply Brief Re Rcr's Mtn to Approve Brownstein Stlmt1/21/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Mtn for Ltd Discovery re Brownstein1/21/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Amd. NTC of Hearing re Brownstein Stlmt Agreement1/8/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Dragul's Mtn for Extension of Time to File Reply Brief Re Brownstein Stlmt1/7/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul Mtn for Extension to File Brownstein Reply Brief1/6/2021DOWNLOAD PDF
Brownstein Hyatt Brief in Support of Rcvr's Mtn to Approvel Settlement Agreement and Mtns for Pro Hac Vice12/31/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER re Dismissal with Prejudice as to Defendants Fox and ACF Prop Mgmt12/31/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Dragul Reply In Support of Mtn to Certify Unique Issue for Interlocutory Appeal12/31/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Defs Hershey and Dragul Reply in Support of Motion for Cert of Interlocutory Appeal12/31/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal of Fox and ACF with Prejudice12/30/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Notice and Entry of Appearance (Markusch)12/29/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Dismissing Action Against Juniper Consulting Group LLC With Prejudice12/28/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ACF Joinder in Hershey and Dragul Jt Mtn for Ext of Time to Reply12/24/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Dragul Reply in Support of Mtn for Reconsideration Denial of Mtn to Dismiss Amended Complaint12/24/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Hershey and Dragul Jt Mtn for Enlargement of Time to File Reply12/23/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Notice of Dismissal with Prej - Juniper Consulting12/23/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Settlement Agreement with Dragul Family Members12/23/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement with Dragul Family Members12/23/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER re Application for Entry of Default Against Defs Markusch and Olson Real Estate12/22/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Re_ Markush Ntc of Joinder in Jt Mtn of Defs for Ext of Time to Respond to First Amended Complaint12/22/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's Response to Defs' Mtn to Certify for Interlocutory Appeal12/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's Response to Dragul's Mtn for Reconsideration12/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Agreement with Fox and ACF Property Mgmt12/15/2020DOWNLOAD PDF"
ORDER Granting Receiver's Motion to Approve Agreement with Fox et al12/15/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Application for Entry of Default Against Defs Markusch and Olson Real Estate12/14/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Settlement Agreement with Juniper Consulting and Gold12/11/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Settlement Agreements with Ahrendt and Juniper Consulting12/11/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER to Set Hearing on Issues Raised by Proposed Settlement with Brownstein12/11/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Fourth Application for Professional Fees and Expenses12/9/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Markusch Ntc of Joinder in Jt Mtn for Enlargement of Time to Answer Rcvr's First Amended Complaint12/9/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Settlement Agreement with Dragul Family12/8/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Jt Mtn of Defs Fox Hershey Dragul for Ext of Time to Respond to Rcvr's First Amended Complaint12/8/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Defs Hershey, Fox and Dragul Joint Motion for Enlargment of Time to Answer First Amd Complaint12/4/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rvr's Mtn to Approve Agreement with Fox and ACF12/3/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for Ext of Time12/2/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Approving Rcvr's Status Report Re Juniper Settlement12/2/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's Status Report Re Juniper Settlement12/1/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Reply in Support of Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr with Brownstein11/30/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's Mtn for Ext of Time11/30/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul Objection to Rcr Mtn to Approve Brownstein Settlement11/23/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul Reply in Support of Mtn to Order Claims Against Brownstein Abandoned11/23/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Settlement Agreements with Ahrendt and Juniper Consulting11/18/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Settlement Agr with Brownstein Hyatt11/16/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Response to Dragul's 2nd Mtn to Abandon Claims Against Brownstein11/16/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Dragul's Mtn for Cert of Interlocutory Appeal of Unique Issue11/12/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Defendants Mtn for Cert of Interlocutory Appeal11/12/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Dragul's Alternative Mtn for Reconsideration of Order Denying Mtn to Dismiss First Amended Complaint11/12/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Jt Mtn of Defendants for Enlargement of Time to Answer First Amended Complaint11/10/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Seventh Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay11/6/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Rcvr's Response to Notice of Pending Dismissal11/6/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Jt Mtn of Defendants for Enlargement of Time to Answer First Amended Complaint11/6/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Plaintiff's Seventh Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay11/5/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Atty Notice of Change of Address11/4/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Attorney Notice of Change of Address11/4/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's Response to Notice of Juniper DIsmissal11/3/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Denying Defs Hershey and Performance Holding Mtn to Dismiss10/28/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Denying Defs Fox and ACF Mtn to Dismiss10/28/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Denying Def Dragul Mtn to Dismiss10/28/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Denying Def Dragul Mtn to Dismiss First Amended Complaint10/28/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Denying Defs Markusch and Olson Real Estate Mtn to Dismiss10/28/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Ntc of Pending Dismissal as to Def Juniper Consulting Group10/27/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul Mtn to Order Claims Against Brownstein Abandoned10/26/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Notice of Errata to 1st Amended Complaint10/26/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Denying Dragul's Motion to Order Claims Abandoned10/01/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Reply in Support of Mtn to Order Claims Abandoned9/30/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Notice of Change of Firm Address9/30/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Response to Dragul Mtn to Abandon Claims9/24/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Defs Fox & ACF Partial Joinder in Co-Defs' Replies in Support of Mtns to Dismiss9/21/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Defs Markush & Olson RE Ntc of Joinder in Defs Fox, ACF, Hershey, Dragul Replies in Support of Mtns to Dismiss9/18/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Dragul Ntc of Partial Joinder in Fox and Hershey Replies in Support of Mtns to Dismiss9/15/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Hershey Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss9/8/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Dragul's Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss9/8/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Fox and ACF's Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss9/8/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Jt Mtn for Entry of Stip and Protective Order9/4/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Stipulation and [Proposed] Protective Order re Fox and ACF9/3/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Order Author. Withdrawal of Counsel for Markusch and Olson8/20/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Defs' Mtn for Ext of Time to Reply to Rcvr's Response to Mtns to Dismiss8/20/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Defs' Mtn for Ext for Reply to Response to Mtns to Dismiss8/19/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Rcvr's Unopp Mtn for Leave to File in Excess of Pg Limit8/18/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's Unopp Mtn for Leave to File in Excess of Pg Limit8/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's Omnibus Response to Defs' Mtns to Dismiss8/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER re Rcvr's Mtn for ACF Turnover8/10/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Dragul's Ntc of Joinder in Markush Mtn to Dismiss Amd Complaint08/10/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Markusch Mtn to Dismiss First Amd Complaint7/31/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Attorney Mtn to Withdraw re Markusch and Olson7/31/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Attorney Notice of Intent to Withdraw to Markusch and Olson7/31/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Notice of Suppl Exh for 07 30 2020 Hearing7/29/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Defs ACF and Fox's Joinder in Co-Defendants' Motions to Dismiss7/23/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
STANDING ORDER COVID Protocol for In-Person Hearings7/21/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for EOT to Submit Omnibus Response and Leave to File in Excess of Page Limit7/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Markusch's Mtn for EOT to Answer7/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Markusch's Mtn for Ext of Time to Answer7/16/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's Mtn Ext of Time to file Omnibus Response to Defs' Mtns to Dismiss7/15/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Mtn for Ext of Time - Markusch7/14/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Dragul Notice of Joinder in Fox and Hershey Mtns to Dismiss Amd Complaint7/13/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Markusch and Olson Mtn for Ext of Time to Respond to Complaint7/9/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Markusch and Olson Real Est Mtn for Ext of Time to Answer Complaint7/7/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Sixth Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay7/7/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ACF and Fox's Mtn to Dismiss7/6/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Cunundrum Group's Answer and Jury Demand7/6/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Dragul's Mtn to Dismiss First Amended Complaint7/6/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Hershey and Performance Holdings' Mtn to Dismiss7/6/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Markusch and Olson Real Est Mtn for Ext of Time to Answer Complaint7/6/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Sixth Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay7/2/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Reply in Support of 4th Fee App6/26/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Hearing6/25/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER for Hearing on Rcvr's Mtn for Turnover v. Fox and AFC6/19/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for Ext of Time6/19/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's Mtn Ext of Time re Reply to Mtn to Dismiss Counterclaims6/18/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Summons and Returns of Service - Juniper Consulting Group6/18/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Summons and Waiver of Service - Olson Real Estate6/18/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Conundrum's Response to Plaintiff's Motion to Dismiss6/16/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER granting Rcvr's Mtn for Ext of Time and Exceed Pg Limit to submit Reply re Dragul Objection to Fee App6/11/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn for Ext of Time and Exceed Pg Limit to submit Reply re Dragul Objection to Fee App6/10/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Non-Party Creditors ACF and Fox's Sur-reply to Rcvr's Mtn for Turnover6/9/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Defs' Mtn for Extension of Time to Respond to First Amended Complaint6/8/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Objection to Rcvr's 4th Fee Application6/5/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Defs' Mtn for Extension of Time to Respond to Amended Complaint6/5/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting in Part Non-Party Creditors Fox's Mtn for Surreply06/02/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's First Amended Complaint6/1/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Non-Party Creditors ACF and Fox's Reply in Support of Mtn to Strike5/22/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Mtn for Ext to Object to Rcvr's Fee Application5/21/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Hershey's Status Report5/21/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER re Verified Mtn Requesting Pro Hac Vice Admission for Atty Lincenberg5/20/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER re Verified Mtn Requesting Pro Hac Vice Admission for Atty Mayer5/20/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Returned Mail from Court to Conundrum Group5/20/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice re Mtn for Admission Pro Hac Vice - Atty Mayer and Atty Lincenberg5/19/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Response to Fox Mtn to Strike5/19/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Denying Dragul's Mtn for Clarification of Order Appointing Receiver5/14/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Denying Hershey's Mtn to Intervene5/14/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Receiver's Fourth Report5/13/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Non-Party Creditors ACF and Fox's Mtn to Strike or Alternatively for Leave to File Surreply Re Rcvr's Reply5/13/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Kahn's 2nd Mtn for Ext. to Respond to Rcvr's Mtn to Dismiss Counterclaims5/12/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Sec. Commissioner's Response in Opposition to Mtn for Clarification of Order Appointing Rcvr5/12/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's 4th Fee Application5/11/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Notice of Revised Employment AVWHF5/11/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Fourth Report5/11/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Kahn's 2nd Mtn for Ext. to Respond to Rcvr's Mtn to Dismiss Counterclaims5/11/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Reply in Support of ACF-Fox Turnover Mtn5/8/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - ORDER Granting Stip to Dismiss Claims Against Becker5/6/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Stip to Dismiss Claims Against Becker5/5/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Def Dragul's Prelim Reply in Support of Mtn for Clarification re Order Apptg Rcvr5/4/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Def Hershey's Reply in Support of Motion to Intervene5/4/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Rcvr's 2nd Mtn for Enlargement of Time to Respond to Defs' Mtns to Dismiss5/1/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Sec. Commissioner Amended Response in Opposition to Hershey Mtn to Intervene4/30/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's 2nd Mtn for Enlargement of Time to Respond to Defs Mtns to Dismiss4/30/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Substitution of Party (T.Chan, Sec. Comm)4/27/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Prelim Response to Dragul Mtn for Clarification of Rcvrship Order4/27/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Response in Opposition to Hershey Mtn to Intervene4/27/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Sec. Commissioner Response in Opposition to Hershey Mtn to Intervene4/27/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr with Becker4/24/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Def's Mtn for Ex of Time4/23/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Defs' Jt Mtn for Ext of Time to File Nonparty at Fault Designations4/21/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Def Dragul's Mtn for Clarification of Order Apptg Rcvr4/21/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Def Dragul's Response to Hershey Mtn to Intervene4/21/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for an Ext of Time to Submit Reply in Support of Mtn for Turnover vs. Fox and ACF Property4/20/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for Ext of Time to Respond to Hershey Mtn to Intervene4/20/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Defs Kahn and CG's Mtn for Ext to Respond to Rcvr's Mtn to Dismiss Counterclaims4/20/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn for Ext of Time to Reply in Support of Turnover Mtn v Fox4/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn for Ext of Time to Respond to Hershey Mtn to Intervene4/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER re Dragul's Mtn for Clarification of Order Appointing Rcvr and Orders Authorizing Abandonment4/15/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def's Jt Mtn for Ext of Time to File Nonparty at Fault Designations4/14/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Def Dragul's Reply In Support of Mtn for Clarification of Orders4/13/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr with Russell Becker4/13/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr with Bank of America and Chase Bank4/13/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Fox Response to Rcvr's Mtn for Turnover4/13/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Notice of Settlement4/8/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - ORDER re Notice of Stlmt4/8/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Response to Dragul's Mtn for Clarification4/7/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for Enlargement of time4/7/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER re Def Hershey's Mtn to Stay Response4/7/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's Mtn to Dismiss Cunundrum Group's Counterclaims4/7/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Rcvr's Mtn for Enlargement of Time4/6/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Cunundrum's Joinder in Def Markusch's Mtn to Dismiss4/1/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Cunundrum's Partial Joinder in Def Dragul's Mtn to Dismiss4/1/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Cunundrum's Partial Joinder in Def Fox's Mtn to Dismiss4/1/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agrs with Bank of America and Chase Bank3/31/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Hershey Defs' Mtn to Stay Response to Complaint3/31/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Hershey's Mtn to Intervene3/31/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Cert of Review re Cunundrum Group3/25/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Cert of Review re Kahn3/25/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Mtn for Pro Hac Vice re Attorney Lincenberg for Fox and ACF3/24/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Mtn for Pro Hac Vice re Attorney Mayer for Fox and ACF3/24/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Dragul's Notice of Joinder in Fox and Markush Mtns to Dismiss3/24/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Denying in Part Def Dragul's Mtn Exp Briefing Schedule3/23/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Creditors Fox and ACF Prop Mgmt Ext of Time to Respond3/23/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Def Dragul's Reply re Exp Briefing Schedule re Abandonment and Clarification3/22/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Creditors Fox and ACF's Mtn for Ext of Time to Respond to Mtn for Turnover3/20/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Resp to Dragul's Mtn for Expedited Briefing Schedule3/20/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Markusch's Mtn to Dismiss3/19/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Kahn and Cunundrum's Answer and Jury Demand3/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Kahn's Mtn for More Definite Statement3/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Dragul's Mtn to Dismiss3/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Def Dragul's Mtn for Clarification of Orders Appointing Rcvr, Auth Abandonment, and for Expedited Briefing Sched3/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Cunundrum's Counterclaim and Jury Demand3/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Fox and ACF's Mtn to Dismiss3/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Ntc to Set Trial and Case Mgmt Conf3/16/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn for Turnover v. Alan C. Fox and ACF Prop Mgmt3/13/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Atty's Entry of Appearance on Behalf of Performance and Hershey3/11/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Ext of Time for Performance and Hershey to 03 31 20203/11/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Performance Holdings and Hershey Mtn for extension of time3/10/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Fifth Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay3/4/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Abandon Ash & Bellaire Properties3/4/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Hafer Notice of Withdrawal3/4/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Abandon Clearwater Collection3/3/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Conundrum's Mtn for Ext of Time2/24/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Becker's Answer to Complaint2/21/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Conundrum's Unopposed Mtn for Ext of Time2/21/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Abandon Ash and Bellaire Properties2/21/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Notice re Rcvr's Mtn to Abandon Ash & Bellaire2/21/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Notice re Rcvr's Mtn to Abandon Clearwater Collection2/19/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Abandon Clearwater Collection2/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Affidavit of Service on Susan Markusch2/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - ORDER Granting Becker's Mtn for Ext of Time to Respond to Complaint2/13/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Dragul's Mtn for Ext of Time to Respond to Complaint2/13/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Waiver of Service on Alan Fox2/13/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Waiver of Service on Gary Dragul2/13/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Becker's Mtn for Ext of Time to Respond to Complaint2/12/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Affidavit of Service on Def Marlin Hershey2/11/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Affidavit of Service on Def Performance Holdings Inc.2/11/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def ACF's Mtn for Enlargement of Time to Answer2/11/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Dragul's Mtn for Extenstion of Time to Respond to Complaint2/11/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Def Dragul's Mtn for Extension of Time to Respond to Complaint2/11/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Securities Commissioner's Fifth Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay2/10/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Entry of Appearance on behalf of Gary Dragul2/6/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Entry of Appearance on behalf of Gary Dragul2/5/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Affidavit of Service on ACF Property Management2/5/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Authorize Sale (Blackhawk Storage Unit)2/4/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Entry of Appearance of Quinn re Markusch1/282020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Waiver of Service on Kahn and Conundrum Group1/31/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v BOA et al USDC 19cv2875 - ORDER Granting Mtn for Ext to Submit Stip of Dismissal by Def BOA1/30/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v BOA et al USDC 19cv2875 - Mtn for Ext to Submit Stip of Dismissal by Def BOA1/29/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v BOA et al USDC 19cv2875 - Stip Dismissal of AMEX1/28/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Mtn for Pro Hac Vice Admission - Lincenberg1/28/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Mtn for Pro Hac Vice Admission - Mayer1/28/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Mtn for Pro Hac Vice Admission - Threatt1/28/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for Allowance of Administrative Expenses1/27/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Four Stlmt Agreements1/27/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Ntc Dismissal of Def. Peirce1/27/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Mtn for Pro Hac Vice Admission for G. Lincenberg for ACF and Fox1/27/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Mtn for Pro Hac Vice Admission for J. Threatt for ACF and Fox1/27/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Mtn for Pro Hac Vice Admission for S. Mayer for ACF and Fox1/27/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER Granting Markusch's Mtn for Ext of Time to Respond to Complaint1/27/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Markusch's Mtn to Ext of Time to Respond to Complaint1/25/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Mtn to Withdraw as Counsel of Record1/23/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Springer & Steinberg's Reply to Objection to Mtn to Withdraw1/22/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Related Case - 2020cv302551/22/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - ORDER Granting Mtn to Set Aside Default Against Def Becker1/22/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Denying Metz's Mtn to Consolidate1/21/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Denying Mtn by Metz to Intervene and to Lift Stay for Limited Purposes1/21/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Complaint1/21/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Delay Reduction Order1/21/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Springer Steinberg's Reply to Rcvr's Objection to Mtn to Withdraw1/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Becker's Mtn to Set Aside Default1/17/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Limited Objection to Mtn to Withdraw1/16/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Approve 4 Stlmt Agreements1/14/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Springer & Steinberg Mtn to Withdraw as Counsel of Record1/13/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Entry of Appearance for Def. Becker1/13/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Metz Reply In Support of Mtn to Consolidate1/10/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Metz Reply In Support of Mtn to Intervene in Receivership Action1/10/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER - Reviewed Rcvr's Report of Sales of Residential Properties1/8/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Stipulation to Dismiss Stoltzfus with Prejudice1/8/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Report of Sales of Residential Properties1/7/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Jt Response in Opposition to Metz Mtns to Intervene and Lift Stay1/3/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn for Allowance of Admin Expense1/3/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Response in Opposition to Metz Mtns to Intervene and Consolidate1/2/2020DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Entering Judgment re Turnover Mtn and Stlmt Agr12/18/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Waiver of Service by Def. Peirce12/18/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Settlement Agreement with Dragul Concerning Turnover Mtn12/17/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr with Dragul Concerning Turnover Mtn12/17/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Stipulation for Entry of Judgment12/17/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for Sale - 3675 S Hibiscus12/17/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's 2nd Mtn for Sale - 2624 S Oneida12/17/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Metz Mtn to Consolidate with 2013cv33076 CDPHE v YM Retail et al12/13/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Metz Mtn to Intervene and Lift Stay12/13/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's 2nd Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale - 2624 S Oneida12/6/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale - 3675 S Hibiscus12/6/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Rcvr's Response to Show Cause Order and Mtn for Subst. Service on Peirce12/6/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for Subst. Service on Def Peirce12/6/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr with Dragul re Turnover Mtn12/5/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v BOA et al USDC 19cv02875 - ORDER Granting Mtn re Stlmt in Principle12/5/2019 ORDER Approving Rcvr's Third Application for Professional Fees and Expenses12/4/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v BOA et al USDC 19cv02875 - Stip Notice of Settlement12/4/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - ORDER to Show Cause re Peirce12/3/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Supplement to Third Application for Fees11/22/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - ORDER Granting Mtn for Entry of Default Against Def. Becker11/21/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - ORDER Denying Mtn for Entry of Default Against Def. Stoltfus11/19/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Third Application for Fees and Expenses11/14/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Third Report11/14/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale - 2432 S Newport11/05/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale - 2624 S Oneida11/05/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Six Settlement Agreements11/04/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Abandon 15 Residential Properties11/04/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 -Stoltzfus' Answer to Complaint11/04/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - ORDER Granting Mtn for Ext of Time to Serve Peirce10/31/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Motion to Approve Agreement with First Citizens Bank10/30/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Motion for Order Authorizing Sale of Real Property - 3555 S Holly10/30/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Mtn for Ext of Time to Serve Peirce10/30/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Mtn for Entry of Clerk's Default against Def Becker10/28/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn Authorizing Sale - 2432 S Newport10/25/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn Authorizing of Sale - 2624 S Oneida10/24/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - ORDER Granting Stoltzfus Mtn for Extension of Time to Respond to Complaint10/24/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Approve 6 Stlmt Agrs10/23/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Entry of Appearance re Stoltzfus10/23/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Mtn for Entry of Clerk's Default Against Def. Stoltzfus10/23/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 -Stoltzfus Mtn for Extension to Answer10/23/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v BOA et al USDC 19cv02875 - Discover Bank's Answer10/23/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Notice of Filing re Stoltzfus10/22/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - ORDER Denying Mtn for Entry of Default re Stoltzfus10/22/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Amended Notice of Hearing on Joint Mtn for Order Req Dragul to Turnover and Account for Property10/21/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Motion to Approve Stlmt Agr with Secured Creditors10/21/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Mtn for Entry of Clerk's Default Against Def. Stoltzfus10/21/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr with First Citizens Bank10/18/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Authorize Sale (3555 S. Holly)10/18/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER - Reviewed Rcvr's Report of Sales (Summit Mktplc and 5722 S Lansing)10/15/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Motion to Approve Stlmt Agr with Galloway and Co10/15/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Real Property (3142 S Leyden)10/15/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale (41 S Fairway)10/15/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER on Fourth Joint Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay10/15/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v BOA et al USDC 19cv02875 - ORDER setting Rule 16(b) Sched Conf10/15/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v BOA et al USDC 19cv02875 - BOA's Answer10/15/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Abandon 15 Residential Properties10/11/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Report of Sales (Summit and Lansing)10/11/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Fourth Joint Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay10/10/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agreement with Secured Creditors10/9/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v BOA et al 19cv33375 - Notice of Removal10/08/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Galloway's Withdrawal of Obj to Rcvr's Mtn re Ash and Bellaire Properties10/07/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER declaring Rcvr's Mtn to Release the Ash and Bellaire from Stay as Moot10/07/2019 ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale re Ash and Bellaire Properties10/07/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Secured Creditors' Ltd Opposition to Rcvr's Mtn re Ash and Bellaire Properties10/07/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Pretrial ORDER10/07/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - ORDER of Reassignment10/07/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Withdrawal of Ltd Obj to Rcvr's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Ash & Bellaire Properties10/06/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Authorize Sale of 41 S. Fairway10/04/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Authorize Sale of 3142 S. Leyden10/04/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
WBF-CT's Withdrawal of Objection to Rcvr's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Ash and Bellaire10/02/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr with Galloway10/01/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Affidavit of Service on Becker10/01/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v BOA et al 19cv33375 - Am Express' Answer10/01/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v BOA et al 19cv33375 - ORDER Granting BOA's Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Complaint10/01/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Amended Notice of Related Case 2019cv333739/30/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Secured Creditors' Reply in Support of Mtn to Release Ash and Bellaire Properties from Stay9/27/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v BOA et al 19cv33375 - BOA Mtn for Ext of Time to Respond to Complaint9/27/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Mtn to Approve Settlement Agreement with WBF_CT re Ash and Bellaire Properties9/26/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v BOA et al 19cv33375 - PRETRIAL ORDER9/25/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Third Unopposed Mtn to Extend Deadline to File Reply re Ash and Bellaire Properties9/24/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Notice of Related Case 2019cv333749/24/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Notice of Related Case 2019cv333759/23/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Secured Creditors Mtn to Extend Deadline to File Reply re Ash and Bellaire Properties9/20/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v BOA 19cv33375 - Affidavits of Service on all Defendants9/19/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Affid of Service on Stoltzfus9/19/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Mtn to Extend Deadline to File Reply re Ash and Bellaire Properties9/17/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr with WBF-CT re Ash and Bellaire Properties9/13/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Secured Creditors' 2nd Mtn to Extend Deadline to File Reply re Ash and Bellaire Properties9/13/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Mtn for Leave to File Sur-Reply to Rcvr's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Ash and Bellaire Properties9/11/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Mtn to Extend Deadline to File Reply in Support of Secured Creditor's Mtn to Release the Ash and Bellaire Properties From Receivership Stay9/11/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Galloway Mtn to file Sur-Reply to Rcvr's Mtn re Ash and Bellaire9/6/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Galloway's Sur-Reply to Rcvr's Mtn re Ash and Bellaire Properties9/6/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Secured Creditors' Mtn for Extension to File Reply to Mtn to Release Ash and Bellaire Properties from Stay9/6/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Motion for Order Authorizing Sale of Real Property - 3142 South Leyden St9/4/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v WBF-CT 19cv33315 - Waiver of Acceptance of Service9/4/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v WBF-CT 19cv33315 - PRE-TRIAL ORDER9/3/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v BOA 19cv33375 - Complaint8/30/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Reply in Support of Mtn for Sale of Ash and Bellaire and Response to Secured Creditors Mtn to Release from Stay8/30/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Becker et al 19cv33374 - Comlaint8/30/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v WBF/CT - Case 19cv33315 - Civil Case Cover Sheet8/28/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v WBF/CT - Case 19cv33315 - Complaint with Exhibits 1-48/28/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Secured Creditor's Mtn to Release the Ash and Bellaire Properties from Stay8/23/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale - 3142 S Leyden St8/22/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for Extension of Time to File Reply in Support8/16/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Real Property - 5722 S Lansing Ct8/16/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Settlement Agreement with WBF_CT Associates LLC Concerning Hickory Corners8/16/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement8/16/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn for Extension of Time to Reply re Mtn on Ash and Bellaire Properties8/15/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Galloway's Response to Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Ash and Bellaire Properties8/14/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
WBF/CT's Objection to Receiver's Motion for Order Authorizing Sale of Ash and Bellaire8/12/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Secured Creditors Ltd Opposition to Rcvr's Mtn of Sale of Ash and Bellaire Properties8/9/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Affidavit re Notice of Production on JPMorgan Chase Bank8/7/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
WBF-CT Mtn to Hold Mtn for Leave to File Suit re NC Lien in Abeyance8/6/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn Authorizing Sale - 5722 S Lansing8/5/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
AMENDED Notice of Hearing on Jt Mtn for Order for Turnover and Acct for Propery8/2/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr with WBF re Hickory Corners8/2/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Hearing on Joint Mtn for Sale of Interest in 22 Residential Properties8/1/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Ash & Bellaire Properties7/31/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Rcvr's Second Mtn for Ext of Time to File Response to WBF_CT Associates LLC's Motion for Leave to File Suit to Establish Validity7/30/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Notice re Termination of 22 Residential Propterties Hurst Contract7/30/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's 2nd Mtn for Ext of Time to Respond to WBF Mtn for Leave7/29/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER setting for hearing Jt Mtn of Securities Commissioner and Rcvr for an Order requiring Dragul to Turnover and Account for Property7/26/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr's Reply in Support of Turnover Mtn and Exhibits7/25/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn to Approve Settlement Agreement with Treasure Island LLC7/23/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Motion for Extension to File Response to WBF_CT7/22/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Extension to Respond to WBF-CT Mtn for Leave to File Suit re NC Lien7/19/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Production of Documents - JPMorgan Chase7/18/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Joint Motion and Stipulation to Vacate June 19 2019 Turnover Order (Also filed on behalf of Gary Dragul)7/11/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Joint Motion and Stipulation to Vacate June 19 2019 Turnover Order7/11/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Jt Mtn and Stipulation to Vacate Turnover Order7/10/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Related Case7/9/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Letters Rogatory and Commission to Require the Production of Documents7/9/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr with Treasure Island7/8/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Application for Letters Rogatory and Commission to Require the Production of Documents7/3/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn to Approve Timber Falls Sale7/2/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Application for Letters Rogatory upon JPMorgan Chase Bank7/2/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
WBF-CT Assoc Mtn to File Suit to Establish Validity of NC Lien7/1/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Mtn to Vacate 6-19-19 Order Requiring Turnover and Accounting6/20/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
EX A to Dragul's Mtn to Vacate - Dragul's Response to Joint Mtn to Turnover and Accounting6/20/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Exhibits A-F to Dragul's Response to Joint Mtn to Turnover and Accounting6/20/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Exhibits G-M to Dragul's Response to Joint Mtn to Turnover and Accounting6/20/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Jt Mtn for Order requiring Dragul to Turnover and Account for Property of the Estate6/19/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Estate's Interest in 22 Residential Properties6/19/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Estate's Int - 4450 Timber Falls Ct Vail6/19/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Entry of Appearance Brad W Schacht for A. Fox06/14/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Witness and Exhibit List for June 19 Hearing06/14/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Appendix A to Receiver's Witness and Exhibit List6/14/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Third Jt Status Report - Request for Extension06/12/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Third Joint Status Report with Request for Extension6/11/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
20190604 ORDER granting Receiver's 2nd Mtn for Sale of Summit Marketplace and Mtn for Increased Commission at Closing6/4/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Jt Mtn for Requiring Dragul to Turnover and Acct for Property6/4/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Jt Mtn for Turnover - Exhibit Index and Exs 1 and 26/4/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Jt Mtn for Turnover - Exs 3-56/4/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Jt Mtn for Turnover - Exs 6-86/4/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Hearing on 22 Residential Properties Sale MTN6/3/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Notice of Employment re Stichter Riedel Blain Postler5/30/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Withdrawal of Clearwater Sale Mtn5/30/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER - Set of Hearing Receiver's Motion for Order Authorizing Sale of Estate's Interest in 22 Residential Properties5/29/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Reply to Dragul Objection to Commission on Summit5/29/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Reply in Support of Mtn for Sale of Interest in 22 Residential Properties5/28/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Dragul's Objection to Mtn to Approve Increased Commission5/22/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's 2nd Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Summit Marketplace5/20/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Secured Creditor's Opposition to Receiver's Mtn for Sale of 22 Residential Properties5/20/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Receiver's Second Report5/17/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER granting Second Application for Professional Fees and Expenses5/13/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Estate Interests in 22 Residential Properties5/10/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Village Inn Pad5/7/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Village Inn Pad4/23/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Second Application for Professional Fees and Expenses4/19/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER to Set Hearing re Secured Creditor's Mtn to Prohibit Receiver's Use of Cash4/12/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Joint Ex Parte Mtn to File an Emergency Mtn Under Seal4/12/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel4/12/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Hickory Corners4/8/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Clearwater Collection4/8/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Stipulated ORDER between Estate and National Commercial Builders Inc4/8/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Withdrawing Objections4/5/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Hagshama's Withdrawal of Objection to Hickory Corners and Clearwater Sale4/4/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Stipulated ORDER entered Between AFF II Denver LLC and Receiver in Furtherance of Sale of Happy Canyon Shoppes4/2/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Stipulated ORDER Approving Sale of Estate's Interest in Certain Hagshama Projects to Isabel Marina LLC4/1/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Withdrawal of Hagshama's Objection to Hickory Corners and Clearwater Sale4/1/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Motion for Order Authorizing Sale of Estate's Interest in Five Hagshama Projects to Isabel Marina LLC w_attach3/29/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Motion for Order Authorizing Sale of Estate's Interest in Five Hagshama Projects to Isabel Marina LLC 3/29/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn Approving Agr with Hagshama re Sale of Clearwater Collection and Hickory Corners w-attach3/29/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn Approving Agr with Hagshama re Sale of Clearwater Collection and Hickory Corners3/29/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Proposed Stipulated Order Approving Sale of Estate's Interest in Certain Hagshama Projects to Isabel Marina LLC3/29/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Stipulated ORDER Between Estate and National Commercial Builders Inc3/29/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Withdrawal of Sale Mtn (5722 S Lansing)3/22/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Withdrawal of Sale Mtn (Village Inn Pad)3/22/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Summit Marketplace3/21/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agreement with Greeley Asset Funding (Happy Canyon Shoppes)3/21/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Entry of Appearance - Cohen for Hagshama Hickory NC and CoFund 63/20/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Response in Opposition to Secured Creditor's Mtn re Cash Collateral3/20/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Notice of Employment of Revesco as Mgmt Company3/19/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Entry of Appearance of Brent Cohen for Hagshama entities3/19/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale (5722 S Lansing)3/19/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Interest in Five Hagshama Projects to Isabel Marina LLC3/19/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Correction to Mtn to Approve Stlmt Agr with Greeley Asset Funding (Happy Canyon Shoppes)3/18/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn to Appove Stlmt Agreement with Hagshama re Hickory Corners and Clearwater Collection3/18/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Response to NCB's Objection to Mtn for Sale of Hickory Corners and to NCB's Mtn for Relief from Stay3/18/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn to Approve Settlement Agreement with Greeley Asset Funding (Happy Canyon Shoppes)3/15/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Hagshama's Mtn to file Surreply in Support of Objection to Receiver's Mtn for Order re Hickory Corners Sale3/15/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Hagshama's Surreply in Support of Objection to Hickory Corners Sale (Exhibit A to Haghama's Mtn)3/15/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Second Joint Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay3/15/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Hagshama's Mtn to File Surreply in Support of Objection to Sale of Hickory Corners3/14/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Hagshama's Surreply in Support of Objection to Receiver's Motion for Sale of Hickory Corners (Exh to Mtn)3/14/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Reply re Sale of Clearwater and in Response to Hagshama's Objection3/14/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Exhibits to Reply re Sale of Clearwater and in Response to Hagshama's Objection3/14/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Hearing re Receiver's Mtn to Authorize Sale of Hickory Corners3/14/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
AFF-II's Mtn for Reconsideration of Order Approving Sale of Happy Canyon Shoppes3/14/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER granting Mtn for Forthwith Hearing (Hickory Corners)3/11/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Mtn for Extension of Time to File Reply re Sale of Clearwater Collection3/11/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Extension of Time to Reply to NCB's Objection to Sale Mtn and Mtn for Relief from Stay (Hickory Corners)3/11/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Reply in Support of Sale Mtn Hickory Corners and in Response to Hagshma's Objection3/8/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Withdrawal of Mtn for Sale of Cassinelli Square3/8/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Commissioner's Joinder to Mtn to Authorize Sale of Hickory Corners with Request for Forthwith Hearing3/8/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Extension of Time to Reply to Hagshama's Objection to Sale Mtn (Clearwater Collection)3/8/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's 2nd Mtn for Extension of Time to File Reply in Support of Mtn re Sale of Hickory Corners3/5/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
National Commercial Builders Inc Mtn for Relief From Stay3/4/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
National Commercial Builders Inc Objection to Receiver's Mtn for Sale of Hickory Corners3/4/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Summit Marketplace3/1/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Second Mtn for Extension of Time to Reply to Hagshama's Objection to Sale Mtn (Hickory Corners)3/1/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
2019-CR-610 Colorado State Grand Jury Indictment3/1/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Secured Creditor's [Patch of Land Lending] Opposition to Sell Receivership Estate's Interests in Property3/1/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Secured Creditors' [VCT and NCT] Opposition to Sell Receivership Estate's Interests in Property3/1/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Hagshama's Objection to Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Clearwater Collection3/1/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Hagshama's Objection to Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Cassinelli Square3/1/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn for Extension of Time to File Reply re Hickory Corners2/28/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Notice re Termination of Odyssey Sale Contracts and Withdrawal of Mtn for Sale of Estate's Interest in Residential Properties2/28/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Secured Creditor's [VCT and NCT] Mtn to Prohibit and/or Limit Receiver's Use of Cash Collateral2/27/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Extension of Time to Reply to Hagshama's Objection to Sale Mtn (Hickory Corners)2/26/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Winning and Backup Contracts for Sale of Happy Canyon Shoppes2/26/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn Authorizing Sale of Village Inn Pad2/26/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Estate's Interest in Hagshma Projects2/26/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Wells-Fargo's Objection to Receiver's Supplmental Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Estate's Interest in Hagshama Projects2/26/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Entry of Appearance on behalf of Wells Fargo Bank2/26/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Report of Auction and Request for Approval (Happy Canyon Shoppes)2/25/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Entry of Appearance on behalf of WBF/CT Associates LLC2/25/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
AFF II Denver LLC'S Limited Objection to Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Estate's Interest in Certain Hagshama Projects2/25/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Clearwater Collection02/21/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Cassinnelli Square02/21/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Hagshama's Objection to Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Hickory Corners2/19/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Estate's Interest in Residential Properties2/19/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
WBF/CT's Limited Objection to Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Hickory Corners02/19/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Supplement to Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Estate's Interest in Hagshama Projects2/15/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Village Inn Pad2/14/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Hagshama Projects2/14/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Happy Canyon Shoppes2/12/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Denying AFF II's Mtn to File Sur-Reply2/12/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Hickory Corners2/8/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - Entry of Appearance on behalf of Gary Dragul2/6/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Reply in Support of Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Happy Canyon Shoppes2/4/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER granting Receiver's Mtn to-Extend Claims Bar Date, Approve Notice of Extended Claims Deadline and Clarify Ongoing Notice Procedure2/1/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn to Extend Claims Bar Date1/30/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
EXHIBIT to Receiver's Mtn to Extend Claims Bar Date Notice of Claims Process and Bar Date Postcard1/30/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Suppl Notice of Employment of Madison & Co Properties1/28/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER -Granting Receiver's Withdrawal of Motion for Order to Show Cause Re Prospect Square and Motion to Vacate Hearing and Approve Stipulation1/28/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
AFF II Denver LLC's Objection to Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Happy Canyon Shoppes1/28/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
AFF EXHIBIT to AFF II Denver LLC's Objection to Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Happy Canyon Shoppes1/28/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Greeley Asset Funding's Objection to Happy Canyon Sale Motion1/25/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Jacobs' Entry of Appearance for Greeley Asset Funding1/25/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Withdrawal of Mtn re Prospect Square and to Vacate Hearing and Approve Stip1/25/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
BPI Inc's Objection to Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Happy Canyon Shoppes and Notice of Offer1/22/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Notice of Employment of Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices CO Properties1/22/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Notice of Employment of Madison & Co Properties1/22/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER granting Mtn to Vacate Order granting Mtn to Intervene (Rosenbaum)01/16/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale of Happy Canyon Shoppes01/16/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Mtn to Vacate Order Granting Mtn to Intervene01/14/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER granting Extension of Stay re Joint Status Report01/11/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Joint Status Report with Request for Extension of Stay01/10/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER re Mtn to Intervene - Rosenbaums01/10/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Entry of Appearance filed on behalf of Non-Party Hagshama1/9/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn for Order to Show Cause and Request for Forthwith Hearing1/3/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
Entry of Appearance Minor Brown for BPI Inc01/03/2019DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Ardent Forbearance Agreement12/31/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Rcvr v Dragul et al 20cv30255 - ORDER re Dismissal with Prejudice as to Defendants Fox and ACF Prop Mgmt12/31/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Eratta re Mtn for Order to Show Cause re Prospect Lender FC Action12/26/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Entry of Appearance Spencer Fane filed on behalf of M.Rosenbaum12/21/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Expedited Mtn for Order to Show Cause and Request for Hearing re Prospect Lender FC Action12/20/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER granting First Application for Professional Fees and Expenses12/18/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Receivers Notice of Employment of Frost Brown Todd -OH Prospect12/17/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER granting Mtn to Abandon Property-YM Retail and Safeway Marketplace12/13/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Substitution of Party Pursuant to C.R.C.P.25d112/7/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn to Approve Forbearance Agr with AFF II Denver LLC12/6/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
First Application for Professional Fees and Expenses12/6/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn for Extension of Time to Respond to MLMT's Mtn for Relief11/29/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER re Receiver's Preliminary Report11/29/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER re Notice of Stipulation and Request for Continuation of Order to Show Cause Hearing11/28/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Mtn to Abandon YM Retail 07A LLC11/28/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's 2nd Mtn for Extension of Time to Respond to MLMT's Mtn for Relief11/28/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice re Continuance of 12.06.2018 Order to Show Cause Hearing11/26/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
MLMT 2005 LC1 Yale Retails Notice and Reservation of Rights11/21/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Special Appearance and Unopposed Mtn to Temporarily Lift Stay11/16/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Notice of Employment of Marcus-Millichap11/15/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Court-Approved Notice of Claims Procedure and Bar Date11/13/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn to Establish Claims Admin Procedure and Set Claims Bar Date11/13/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Court-Approved blank Dragul-GDA Claim Form11/13/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Motion to Stay with Amendments11/09/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Telephone Conference11/08/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER re Notice of Stip and Continuance of Show Cause Hearing11/07/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Requesting Status Conf re Dragul's Motion to Stay11/07/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Mtn for Extension of Time to Respond to MLMT 2005-LC1's Mtn for Relief from Stip Appt of Receiver11/07/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Stip and Request for Continuance of 11-09-18 Order to Show Cause Hearing11/06/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Notice re Employment of Waldrep Law11/02/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Approving Settlement Agreement with WBF-CT Associates11/01/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale (11188 Campsie Fells, Las Vegas)10/31/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Mtn for Order Authorizing Sale (11188 Campsie Fells, Last Vegas)10/31/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Receiver's Motion for Order to Show Cause and Request for Forthwith Hearing10/30/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Expedited Motion for Order to Show Cause and Request for Forthwith Hearing10/26/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Motion to Stay10/26/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Motion to Establish Claims Administration Procedure and to Set Claims Bar Date10/24/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Motion for Relief from Stipulated Order Appointing Receiver filed by MLMT 2005-LC1 Yale Retail LLC10/24/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Motion for Order Authorizing Sale of Real Property (11188 Campsie)10/19/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement with WBFCT Associates LLC10/15/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER re 3rd Motion for Extension of Time to Answer10/12/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Third Motion for Extension of Time to file Answer10/11/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER re 2nd Motion for Extension of Time to Answer10/05/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Second Motion for Extension to file Answer10/04/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Extension of Time for Defendant to Answer Complaint09/10/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Answer09/07/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Notice of Employment of RubinBrown09/07/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Receiver's Notice of Employment of Allen Vellone Wolf Helfrich & Factor09/07/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Stipulated ORDER Appointing Receiver08/30/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Preliminary Injunction08/30/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Opposed Motion to Continue Temporary Restraining Order and Hearing08/30/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Stipulated Motion to Vacate Prelim Injunction Hearing and Enter Prelim Injunction Order08/29/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Motion to Continue Injunction Hearing08/22/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Notice of Hearing 8-30-1808/22/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Motion for Telephone Testimony of Rockefeller08/21/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Motion for Telephone Testimony of Horst08/21/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Motion for Telephone Testimony of Hersch08/21/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Motion for Telephone Testimony of Daswani08/21/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Commissioner's Response in Opposition to Motion for Continuance of Prelim Injunction Hearing08/21/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Waiver of Service08/20/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Pretrial ORDER08/16/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Entry of Appearance - S. Johnson08/16/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Delay Reduction ORDER08/16/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Summons08/15/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Granting Temporary Restraining Order, Freezing Assets, Non-Destruction of Records, and Prelim Injunc08/15/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Ex Parte Verified Combined Motion for Temporary Restraining Order08/15/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Ex Parte Motion for Appointment of Receiver08/15/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Complaint for Injunctive and Other Relief08/15/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
ORDER Stipulated Order Appointing Receiver08/15/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Complaint for Injunctive and Other Relief08/15/2018DOWNLOAD PDF
Colorado State Grand Jury Indictment04/12/2018DOWNLOAD PDF